Monday, June 1, 2015

Getting Bank Lending, Capital Flight, and Target2 Payments Right

Hans Werner Sinn evidently believes if you say something false enough times people will believe it is true.  He has written an article in which he again demonstrates he does not understand how banks lend money, what constitutes capital flight, and that Target2 credits are not financing.

His misunderstanding of Target2 payments is many years old.  If you want to understand Target2 payments and how they work and function, you only need to read Karl Whelan.  Target2 credits do not create financing for the countries with Target2 credits.  Capital flight is not created by taking out a bank loan and buying assets in a foreign country (read Whelan).  In Greece you see foreign businesses taking money out to insure business liquidity, in the past wealthy Greeks have transferred money out but Greek Tax authorities are going after much of that money, and you do not see  lines of Greek citizens lining up at banks to withdraw money in fear of capital controls even if they could afford a mattress under austerity to hide the money.  Deposits are decreasing in Greece.  However, the problem is austerity and the demands of the Troika to suppress democracy, make loan payments which require more loans, and further destroy the Greek economy and people.

Bank loans are made on the basis of profitability and solvency.  When a bank loans money, it creates a credit and debit of equal amounts which has no effect or dependence on the bank's reserves.  A very recent Bank of England working paper acknowledges this despite the misconception of how banking works by most of the public and some economists.
But Hans Werner Sinn will just say it again and again and again: damn factual information.

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Chicago's Financial Dance of Veils

Chicago's pension funding problems and recent credit rating downgrade from only one of the three credit rating services has caused some salesmen who are also bloggers/commentators to try to work a fear frenzy that Chicago will go bankrupt and provide them with willing victims/clients.  In fact, Chicago's bond auction last week was significantly over subscribed providing a lower yield.

While the situation is serious and in need of fundamental restructuring of current bonds and the funding process, Chicago is not likely to go bankrupt.  The Illinois General Assembly is currently considering two bills: one would allow a Chicago casino with the profits going towards the pensions but the bill is being held and the other which allow a five year slow down in pension payments has, as of Sunday, passed both houses.  Chicago pension funding costs were going from approximately $300 million to approximately $840 million next year, but the legislation would decrease next year to approximately $619 million with annual increase each year (but less than current law) until 2020 when payments would be calculated to meet 90% full funding by 2055 (15 years longer than current law).  This is just punting the ball down field to a future date.

Kristi Culpepper, writing as munilass, has written three excellent posts which explain Chicago's situation, credit rating analysis, and the municipal bond market.

The first was how Chicago has used financial engineering to paper over its extensive budget problems.  One of the positives of Chicago's bond auction last week was the beginning of the necessary process to convert variable interest rate bonds to fixed interest rate.

The second details shopping for ratings and the insolvency of the Chicago school system.

The third evaluates Chicago's fiscal emergency and the quality of credit analysis.  One issue she discusses is the relatively low effective residential and commercial  property tax rate in the city of Chicago compared to other Cook county municipalities.  Chicago should be looking at the property tax base and optimal taxation, but they are probably not familiar with the economic work of Frank Ramsey.  Additionally, there are some politicians in both parties in Illinois who want to freeze property taxes.

If you are looking for a current analysis of Chicago and its municipal bond problems, you need look no further than these three articles by Kristi Culpepper (munilass).

The Chicago problem precedes current Mayor Rahm Emanuel who, despite is "experience" in finance, has not substantially helped the situation other than to ask for bailouts.  The failure of the city of Chicago to properly fund its pensions over the years and put off payments until the problem becomes a potential crisis (not to mention the State of Illinois doing the same inadequate delayed funding with the worst funded pension systems of any state).

All of this a financial dance of veils.  What happens when the veils fall?  Chicago had better be in better fiscal shape.  And they can sell only so many parking meters and skyways.  How about the El, subway, bus system, and ....?

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Yves Smith Interview and My Podcasts

I have updated the Yves Smith interview post from 2010, because the radio station link had gone bad.

Here, also, is the link to the Yves Smith interview and my other radio shows as podcast archived (at least the ones not lost by the radio station).

Yves Smith

Robert Carlson

2010 Shows

 2009 Shows

2008 Shows

2007 Shows

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Bad Radio Interview Links

     It has been brought to my attention that the links in several past posts in which I was interviewed on radio shows have gone bad.
      I brought this to the attention of the radio show host.  He has deleted all of his past professional work.  At his suggestion, on 26 March 2015, I provided 18 dates of appearances on his two radio shows.  If he did not create a database, it would be difficult for him to provide any podcast which I could download and store on the web.  I have heard nothing.
     I do not know why anyone would delete their past professional work, but, obviously, my professional courtesy of linking to his webpage for each interview was a mistake as I try to keep my history documented.
     The interviews made good radio, because, while the host and I share many similar concerns, we do not agree on economics.  And I was consistently right.

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Friday, August 31, 2012

Jobs, Scandals, Fed, & Global Economy: Radio Interview

On August 4, 2012, we discussed jobs and unemployment in the United States, the Fed and auditing the Fed, the Libor Scandal and how financial fraud by banks is not prosecuted in the United States but fined making it a cost of doing fraudulent business, and the general economy in the United States and the world on Saturday Session with Bishop.

Here is the podcast of the interview.

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Friday, August 3, 2012

Kicking euro IED Down the Road & Global economy: Radio Appearance July 7, 2012

In a radio appearance on Saturday Session with Bishop on July 7, 2012, we talked about how the eurozone is no longer kicking a can down the road but it is kicking an IED down the road and when it explodes it will have global repercussions.

We discussed the Libor scandal and the banks involved.

We discussed US unemployment and how the Fed's warning on the "fiscal cliff" is not just about revenue but the need of the government to spend if continuing high unemployment is to be lowered.

We discussed how the Fed minutes from the preceding month which would come out in the week of July 9th would not show any inclination towards QE3 and would show concern about the potential economic impact of the eurozone currency crisis blowing up and the continuing threat of US fiscal contraction (the need for government to spend to address the unemployment problem).  And we were right on as the minutes show.  The Fed FOMC meeting statement in July continued its reluctance to do anything which might place it in a political cross fire during an election year.

Here is Part 1 of the interview.

Here is Part 2 of the interview.

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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Eurozone, Chinese banks, JP Morgan, and Facebook: Radio Interview on May 26, 2012

On Saturday Session with Bishop on May 26, 2012, we talked about the predictable unfolding of a currency crisis in the Eurozone, the growing presence of Chinese banks in the United States, the JP Morgan trading loss update, and the problems of the Facebook IPO:


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Eurozone, Bankia, Chinese Banks in US, and JP Morgan: Radio Interview on May 12, 2012

On the Saturday Session with  Bishop on May 12, 2012, we discussed the mounting problems of the Eurozone as exemplified by the imminent problems in Spain's banks as exemplified by Bankia, the effect on currencies, and the improper trading losses amounting to at least $3 billion by JP Morgan Chase bank:


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Monday, February 27, 2012

Radio Interview 2/25/2012: Greek Bailout, Europe, and Federal Reserve QE3

We were interviewed on Saturday Session with Bishop about Greece and the proposed bailout and how it forces Greece to relinquish its sovereignty.  The details of the proposed bailout, which would include new restrictive laws, more pension reductions and spending cuts, the prohibition against any Greek political action contrary to the bailout, and the requirement to make debt payments before any public spending in Greece would be allowed, and the need for resolution prior to March 20th, which is the date on which Greece must pay maturing debt.  Greece is already in technical default.  We discussed the imposed austerity programs and how they are making Greece's economy even more unsustainable.  We discussed how Greece will inevitably face the choice of default within the euro or default with abandonment of the euro which is a choice between economic slavery as a colony of the eurozone (Germany) with foreign EU/ECB technocrats running the Greek government or the harsh new beginning of freedom with a new sovereign currency which could devalue up to 80% after a fixed exchange from the euro to the new currency and the redenomination of  all Greek public and private debt into the new currency and the possibility of economic growth.

While it may appear that the United States has decoupled from the developing storm of Europe, the consequences of a currency union without a fiscal transfer mechanism, recession in Europe, eventual Greek default, and the pressure on European banks and other eurozone peripheral countries will have global consequences on financial liquidity and the world economy including the United states and China.

We also went over the minutes of the last Federal Reserve Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting in which most members are not inclined to initiate a QE3 unless disinflation reasserts itself and economic growth weakens in the future.

An MP3 of the interview is here.  The European situation and the tragedy of Greece have been unfolding in very predictable and obvious fashion for a few months.  Even Wolfgang Munchau has finally acknowledged that Greece needs to default.

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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Recession, Recession, Recession?

Last week, Lakshman Acthulan of ECRI gave an interview in which he discussed the slow growth in the United States and how economic indicators show we are heading for recession if we are not already in recession.

Watch the interview here.

John Hussman asked last week if we have avoided recession and he found little evidence of any meaningful reduction in recession risks and underlying recessionary pressures are unchanged.

Last week, Jeremy Grantham decried the lack of growth in the United States as a lack of political will to provide jobs, to repair infrastructure, to stop the declining effectiveness of education and training, and government's unwillingness to confront long term issues as well as the drastic decline in income equality.  The negative is overwhelming the positive and it is not only framing attitudes, but it has substantially restructured the middle class according to Dan Little and has created a much larger class of unemployed than the official figures, because they are not counted and no longer exist for statistical purposes.

Given the recession in Europe, much less the growing economic crisis in which Europeans think fiscal union is balancing budgets and punishing deficit countries rather than having a common Treasury with taxing powers which enables a proper fiscal transfer mechanism which is economically necessary in any successful currency union and in which Europeans think eurobonds are shared liabilities rather than an issuance of a common Treasury with taxing powers, and the slowing growth in China, recession risks are emerging globally and the an implosion in Europe could drive the world into a depression.

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